
2024 WA Do Trippn Tango, foaled 5/4
Hancock Tripper Blue x Bubbling Lido

5/4/24-12/13/24 We had high hopes of keeping this colt as a stallion prospect, being one of the last foals for us by Hancock Tripper Blue, but due to a back injury we had to humanely euthanize him.

AQHA WA Trippn Tango, bay roan colt, foaled 5/4, by Hancock Tripper Blue, who goes back to Blue Valentine 4 times, out of Bubbling Lido, who is out of a daughter of Watch Joe Jack. Colt's sire and dam are both 5 panel negative and 14.2 hands. Tango appears to be very smooth gaited, and is one of the last foals for us that was sired by Hancock Tripper Blue, a/k/a Elvis, as he is now at home in MO.

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1999-2023 AQHA Docs Jazzn Gypsy
Ribs Sugar Rock x Docs Tinseltown Gold

11/8/23 Due to ringbone, Gypsy was humanely euthanized today. She was an exceptional broodmare and this was a hard decision, but she was having a hard time getting around and we felt it was time. We have two of her daughters in our broodmare band. Gypsy will be sorely missed!

Retired in 2020, AQHA 1999 Docs Jazzn Gypsy is a great granddaughter of Two Eyed Jack and Doc's Sug and is double bred Sugar Bars. Her bloodlines also include King, Hollywood Gold, Goldseeker Bars, Air Force One and Go Man Go. Gypsy stands 15 hands, has a huge hip and chest. Gypsy was purchased as a weanling and trained by our son, Kyle. She's never offered to buck, and while not a finished rider, she is well-broke, and has exceptionally smooth gaits. She has been on numerous trail rides, been behind cattle, and registered in the FQHR at 87.50%. She never misses producing good looking square foals and is an excellent mother. Gypsy is 5 panel negative.

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2006 AQHA Ms Fancy Red Bark
Fancy Red Bark x Bubbles Watch Jo

2006 AQHA Ms Fancy Red Bark, aka Frosty, is  by Fancy Red Bark, 100% foundation red roan Roan Bar and Tom Baker stallion, out of Bubbles Watch Jo, an own daughter of Watch Joe Jack. Frosty is home raised and has a star & right hind sock. She has a sweet, laid back disposition and will come to you from anywhere in the pasture. She is 15-1 hands and has had 60 days of training under saddle. Frosty is 5 panel negative.

8/1/23 Frosty is now spending her last years with a wonderful family in MN.

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AQHA 2004 Hancock Tripper Blue
Blue Tripper Hancock x Ruano Joy

AQHA 2004 Hancock Tripper Blue, a/k/a Elvis, is a blue roan stallion going back to Blue Valentine 4 times. Bloodline percentages, thru the 4th generation, are as follows: 37.50% Blue Valentine, 37.50 Rowdy Blue Man, and 12.50% Red Man. Elvis is homozygous black & roan, 5 panel negative, and 92.97% foundation. Elvis is well broke, stands 14-2 hands, and is very gentle to handle.

7/13/23 Elvis is now at home in Missouri. Selling him was one of the hardest things for me to do, but he needed a place where he only had to breed 2-3 mares.

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Starlights Boon pedigree

AQHA 2013 Starlights Boon, red roan stallion
Starlights Lenny x Peptos Pretty Oak

Owned by Melissa and Josh Peters is Starlights Boon, a grandson of Grays Starlight x Peptos Stylish Oak. His pedigree also includes, Freckles Playboy, Doc Tari, and goes back multiple times to Peppy San Badger. Boon stands 14-2 hands and is 5 panel negative. We will have several foals by him in 2023. They will be full of cow sense, athleticism and make excellent all-around prospects.

Boon is now at home KS.

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12/6/20 We welcome, Chester, a grade 17 year old gelding, standing 14.2 hands. He neck reins, backs, side passes, ropes, and been to ranch rodeos sorting, breakaway and goat tying. Only having one gelding made it difficult for us to go out trail riding, so looking forward to riding when the weather warms up. Chester was purchased from Al Zeigler of Central Iowa Exchange in Aplington, IA.

11/23/22 Humanely euthanized due to medical issues that could not be corrected. We will miss him! One of the sweetest horses we have had the pleasure of owning.

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2015 AQHA WA Pepons Reata, foaled 5/19
Pepon Forty Pine x Bubbling Lido

AQHA 2015 WA Pepons Reata, foaled 5/19, is by Pepon Forty Pine, a grullo foundation bred Peponita stallion. Reata's dam, Bubbling Lido, is a daughter of Little Lido who currently has earned in excess of $48,500 in the cutting pen and his get in excess of $122,535. in cutting, ranch sorting, reining cow horse, and team penning, and she's also a granddaughter of Watch Joe Jack and Smart Little Lena. Reata's dam & sire are both super producers. She is 5 panel negative per parentage verification and is 15 hands.

1/16/22 Treated Reata for several weeks, but she lost the battle.

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AQHA 2006 Classicwatchquickson, chestnut stallion
Classic Watch x Chaffee Be Quick

12/26/20 Tazz is now making his home in Lucien, OK, with our daughter Melissa Peters and husband, Josh.
AQHA Classicwatchquickson, a/k/a Tazz, is a liver chestnut stallion foaled in August 2006. Tazz is the last son of Classic Watch and he is double bred Watch Joe Jack & Harlan's Tyree. His dam, Chaffee Be Quick, is a granddaughter of Watch Joe Jack and is double bred Poco Bueno. Tazz is 5-panel negative & 87.89% foundation.
He has a nice disposition, pretty conformation and stands 15-1 hands.Tazz was purchased in April 2009 and in 2011 he earned his open ROM in heeling. He was trained and shown by Riley Renner of Ericson, NE.

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AQHA Watch Misty Diamond
2001 - April 18, 2021
Pepon Forty Pine X Misty Mint Diamond

2001 AQHA Watch Misty Diamond
Pepon Forty Pine x Misty Mint Diamond

2001 Watch Misty Diamond, aka Misty, is 98.44% FQHA & FQHR, and 94% NFQHA. She is by Pepon Forty Pine out of Misty Mint Diamond. Her pedigree includes Peponita, Mr. Blackburn 40, Strawberry Jack, Tarino Bars, & Poco Bueno. Misty was purchased as a weanling, she's well broke and has been used to drag and push calves. She has a fast walk, is athletic, stands 15 hands, loves people, and will come to you from anywhere in the pasture. She is an excellent producer and a full sister to Matties Misty Mint. Misty is 5 panel negative.

4/18/21 Laid to rest due to complications with foaling.

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Pepon Forty Pine
1994 AQHA grullo stallion
Peponitas Poco Pine x Fortys Lady Pine

AQHA 1994 Pepon Forty Pine
Peponitas Poco Pine x Fortys Lady Pine

AQHA 1994 Pepon Forty Pine is a grullo stallion with a star & three white pasterns. He has a beautiful head, good bone, big hip, & if not 100% foundation he is close to it. He is a true gentleman and his disposition can't be beat.
Pepon is a great grandson of Peponita, who was the 1975 NCHA World Champion and had his superior in cutting and has 74 perf. pts. His pedigree includes Peppy San, Bonito Tivio, Mr. Blackburn 40, Pretty Buck, Forty Caballeros, Poco Pine, and is double bred John Red who had a speed index of 95.
He is a well broke ranch horse and you can jump on him with a halter and lead.
We had the honor of purchasing this stallion from Collins Quarter Horses, formerly of Newell, SD, the fall of 2013. 
3/24/14 Pepon's 5-panel test is all N/N.
2/23/15 Pepon was humanely laid to rest due to several tumors located around his right kidney. Although we owned him for a very short time, he'll remain in our hearts forever. He is greatly missed!

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 Fancy Red Bark
July 20, 1985 - May 5, 2013
 AQHA red roan stallion
Red Cedar Bark x Susie Bell Bar

Pics taken 7/13/08 @ 23 yrs. old.

Fancy Red Bark was purchased from the Lazy JS Ranch of Bowman, ND, in August 2004 at their Quarter Horse production sale. He is a linebred Roan Bar and Tom Baker foundation Quarter horse stallion.
Red stands 15-2 hands & is registered in the FQHR at 100%. He consistently passes on a beautiful head and great disposition to his foals.  Red is kind enough that you can run him w/the weanlings when needed. His foals have excelled in barrel racing, roping, halter, and working cow horse events.
We feel honored to have had Red in our family for as long as we did and we were fortunate to have him as our senior AQHA sire. 2013 are his last crop of foals. He will be greatly missed!

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AQHA 2004 Dun By Blue Chips
Wyo Blue Chips x Everybod D Watch Zip

AQHA Dun By Blue Chips, aka Rio, is sired by Wyo Blue Chips a grulla roan stallion with 30+ halter & 100+ FQHR performance points in ranch cutting, reining, team sorting, working ranch horse, ranch pleasure, trail, barrels, poles, and keyhole. (You can see Wyo Blue Chips @ Rio's bloodlines on the top side are double bred Blue Valentine and Leo and on the dam's side, Everybod D Watch Zip, is a granddaughter of Zippo Pine Bar and Watch Joe Jack. She has produced 2 FQHR National Grand Champion colts. 
Rio has had 7 months of professional training and was hauled to ranch rodeos, competing in sorting and penning, around the South Dakota area. He was shown at the SD Horse Fair in March 2007 earning points in reining, trail, and halter. Kyle brought him home from training in June 2007.
He has strong dun factor and stands 15 hands, weighing in at 1180#. Rio's athletic, intelligent, level headed, versatile, extremely stout, and has excellent conformation with the disposition to match. He loves people, likes to please, & learns new skills by hitting them head-on. 
December 2007 Rio headed back to South Dakota to further progress his cattle working skills.
On March 14-16, 2008, Rio was reserve champion in the stallion versatility show at the 18th Annual South Dakota Horse Fair in Sioux Falls. He placed in barrel racing, ranch cutting, halter, and western pleasure. 
Since his move to SD again this year, Troy has drug calves to the fire with Rio and used him for mounted shooting and roping.  
Rio is now at Circle N Appaloosas & Quarters at Hartford, SD. For more information, contact Troy @ 605-528-6214.

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 Genuine Peach
Feb. 1, 2001- April 22, 2020
 AQHA red dun mare
Genuine Hombre x Jackie Alexzandra

AQHA 2001 Genuine Peach, red dun mare
Genuine Hombre x Jackie Alexzandra

AQHA Genuine Peach, a/k/a Peaches, is a 2001 red dun mare, by Genuine Hombre out of Jackie Alexzandra. Peaches is as sweet as can be and stands 14-2 hands. 

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Watch Your Cash
1997 APHA sorrel overo stallion
   Shiloh Cash Bar x Watch Joy Moore (Watch Joe Jack daughter)


"Max" as a baby.

APHA Watch Your Cash, aka Max, was an own son of APHA stallion Shiloh Cash Bar and grandson of Watch Joe Jack.
"Max" was laid to rest on May 19, 2005, after an early morning accident. He was in a paneled fence and somehow broke the chain locking the panels together. Max ventured out onto the busy highway in front of our house and was hit by a utility vehicle.
We raised Max from a baby and he was the heart and soul of our Paint program. He is greatly missed and will remain in our hearts forever. If you were in the barn, Max always had to poke his head in through the window as if to say "hi." Due to the loss of Max, we have dispersed most of our Paints
Max's sire, Shiloh Cash Bar has received thirteen Grand Champion halter awards, has his ROM in western pleasure & halter, and is siring futurity winners & point earners. The infamous Watch Joe Jack pedigree speaks for itself; earning 225 AQHA halter and 201 performance points. 

Max stood 15 hands & with limited showing had APHA barrel racing points. He sired foals with gorgeous conformation, good dispositions and great athletic ability.

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Toy poodle Molly, best friend & loyal companion.
11/14/97 - 3/1/11

"Skitch" Best farm dog!
"Barn Manager" May 2001 - Nov. 5, 2011

Vegas, boss lady, 2005 - 7/9/16
German shepherd